


C. Vita


New on the site

Magdalena D. Anguelova, PhD


Naval Research Laboratory (NRL)
Remote Sensing Division
Remote Sensing Physics Branch (Code 7223)
4555 Overlook Ave. S.W.
Washington, DC 20375

Phone: (202) 404-6342
Fax:  (202) 767-9194
E-mail: maggie(.)anguelova (at) nrl(.)navy(.)mil

Home connection: 
Phone: (410) 772-8505
E-mail:  maggie(.)anguelova (at) magde(.)info


This is my web site with information about  my research and personal interests.  I hope the information given will prompt  communication with old and new colleagues and friends.  




Spotlight topic: Gravitational waves detection questioned. Big Bang theory challenged


Deeds speak louder than words

The Boasting Traveller, Aesop


   A man who had travelled in foreign lands boasted very much, on returning to his own country, of the many wonderful and heroic feats he had performed in the different places he had visited. 

   Among other things, he said that when he was at Rhodes he had leaped to such a distance that no man of his day could leap anywhere near him as to that, there were in Rhodes many persons who saw him do it and whom he could call as witnesses. 

    One of the bystanders interrupted him, saying: "Now, my good man, if this be all true there is no need of witnesses. Suppose this to be Rhodes, and leap for us." 


Book of interest: Feynman Lectures on Physics

Home | Research | Publications | C. Vita | Personal  

E-mail:  maggie(.)anguelova (at) nrl(.)navy(.)mil

Updated: 12 June, 2014

Launched: 6 June, 2011
home visitors since 19 August, 2011
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Spotlight topic Book of interest
Gravitational waves detected!? (26 May, 2014)
ITER--Toward thermonuclear energy (2 Mar, 2014)
Science achievements in 2013 (29 Dec, 2013)  
Developments in geospatial observations, including CubeSats (18 Dec, 2013)  
Feynman Lectures on Physics (9 Dec, 2013)  
The roots of divisive politics
Democracy is at stake
Shutdown impact on science
Something can be done (10 Oct, 2013)
Common sense, Thomas Paine (10 Oct, 2013)
Python in Earth sciences (16 Dec, 2012)
The case for optimism, Bill Clinton (9 Dec, 2012)
Introduction to using Python (more books) (16 Dec, 2012)
Silent Spring, Rachel Carson [Reviews: Time, NYT, The Guardian] (9 Dec, 2012)
Climate of doubt [PBS documentary] ~54 min.(21 Nov, 2012) Origin of life, A. I. Oparin [Review] (21 Nov, 2012)
Election 2012 Money (4 Nov, 2012) Bankrupting Nature [Review] (25 Oct, 2012)
Physics: Symmetry (25 Oct, 2012)